Journal Policy
General information
The magazine is published since 2016.
The editorial board and the editorial board consist of leading scientists in the field of law, members of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, honored scientists of Russia.
The journal publishes the results of scientific research on the most topical issues of legal doctrine and practice, law enforcement practice, changes in the legislation of Russia and other CIS countries, as well as significant results and achievements of fundamental and applied theory in the field of jurisprudence. Editorial policy is based on the fact that the journal should cover the research not only of major scientists, but also graduate students, applicants for academic degrees. A special place is occupied by the publication of the results of doctoral dissertations. The magazine is intended for a wide range of readers: scientific and practical workers in the field of law, students and post-graduate students.
The magazine is registered by the Federal Service for Supervision of Compliance with Legislation in the Sphere of Mass Communications and Protection of Cultural Heritage.
Certificate of registration of PI No. FS77-67801 dated 11/28/2016.
Rospechat Subscription Index: 65005
ISSN 2587-831X
The magazine is published 12 times a year.
The journal is included in the List of the Higher Attestation Commission of Russia of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications, which should publish the main scientific results of the dissertation for the degree of Doctor and Candidate of Sciences
by branches of science 5.1 "Law"
5.1.2. Public and legal (state and legal) sciences (legal sciences),
5.1.3. Private and legal (civilistic) sciences (legal sciences),
5.1.4. Criminal and legal sciences (legal sciences),
5.1.5. International legal sciences (legal sciences)
by branches of science 5.5 "Political Science"
5.5.2. Political institutions, processes, technologies (political sciences),
5.5.4. International relations (political sciences)
Information partners
of the magazine are KNORUS Publishing House and Rusains Publishing House
The magazine is included in Ulrich's International Periodic Directory
eLibrary profile
The journal is registered by the Federal Service for Supervision of Compliance with Legislation in the Field of Mass Communications and Protection of Cultural Heritage.
Media Registration Certificate: PI no. FS77-63555 dated October 30, 2015
Rospechat subscription index: 65039
ISSN 2307-180X
Editor-in-chief: Avdiysky Vladimir Ivanovich, Doctor of Law. Professor, Academic Supervisor of the Department of Economic Security and Risk Management, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.
Founder: Rusains LLC.
14 Kedrova str., bldg. 2, Moscow, 117218
12 times a year
Editorial Board
Avdiyskiy Vladimir Ivanovich, Doctor of Law Sci., Prof., Scientific Director of the Department of Economic Security and Risk Management, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Baranov Nikolay Alekseevich, Dr. sciences, prof., prof. Department of International Relations, North-West Institute of Management, Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation
Burenko Vladimir Ivanovich, Dr. sciences, prof., prof. Department of Philosophy, Culturology and Political Science, Moscow University for the Humanities
Varygin Alexander Nikolaevich, Doctor of Law Sci., Prof., Head of the Department of Prosecutor's Supervision and Criminology Saratov State Law Academy
Goncharov Petr Konstantinovich, Doctor of Sociology Sci., prof., Institute of Law, Russian University of Transport (MIIT)
Gushchin Vasily Vasilievich, Doctor of Law Sci., Prof., Professor of the Department of Civil and Business Law, All-Russian State University of Justice
Konyshev Valery Nikolaevich, Dr. Sci., Prof., Department of Theory and History of International Relations, St. Petersburg State University
Korkonosenko Sergey Grigorievich, Dr. Sci., Prof., Head of the Department of Theory of Journalism and Mass Communication, St. Petersburg State University
Kosov Gennady Vladimirovich, Dr. sciences, prof., head of the department "International relations and foreign regional studies", Sevastopol State University
Koshkin Andrey Petrovich, Dr. Sciences, prof., Head of the Department of Political Science and Sociology, Russian University of Economics. G.V. Plekhanov
Nuryshev Gennady Nikolaevich, Dr. Sci., prof., St. Petersburg State University of Economics
Malko Alexander Vasilievich, Doctor of Law Sciences, prof., Volga region Institute (branch), All-Russian State University of Justice
Martynov Boris Fedorovich, Dr. Sci., Department of International Relations and Russian Foreign Policy, Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation
Nisnevich Yuliy Anatolyevich, Dr. Sci., Prof., Department of Political Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, National Research University Higher School of Economics
Orlov Vladislav Nikolaevich, Doctor of Law sciences, associate professor, prof. Department of the Organization of the Execution of Punishments, St. Petersburg University of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia
Pavlikov Sergey Gerasimovich, Doctor of Law Sciences, prof. Department of Legal Regulation of Economic Activity, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Sardaryan Henry Tigranovich, Dr. Sci., Dean of the Faculty of Management and Politics, Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation
Skitovich Viktor Viktorovich, Doctor of Law sciences, prof., prof. Department of State Legal and Criminal Law Disciplines, FSBEI HE "Russian University of Economics. G.V. Plekhanov "
Smolenskiy Mikhail Borisovich, Doctor of Sociology Sciences, Cand. jurid. Sci., Prof., Head of the Department of Theory of State and Law, Rostov State Transport University
Shagieva Rosalina Vasilievna, Doctor of Law Sciences, prof., Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation
Channov Sergey Evgenievich, Doctor of Law Sciences, prof., Head of the Department of Service and Labor Law of the Volga Region Institute of Management named after P.A. Stolypin (branch), Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation
Rules for publishing articles
1. The author, sending to the address of the editorial office of the "Law and Power" magazine (further – the Edition) the publications, grants to the Edition the right of use of the works (materials) which are selected by edition, the next ways:
- to reproduce materials;
- to extend materials;
- to bring materials to the general attention, including on the Internet;
- to import copies of materials.
The specified rights are granted by the author to the Edition in the territory of the whole world from the moment of placement of material on the site and before the termination of period of validity of an exclusive right to materials according to the legislation of the Russian Federation.
2. The scientific articles which received a positive expert assessment are published as a rule, no later than half a year from the moment of receipt of the manuscript in edition.
3. For the publication of manuscripts the payment isn't raised from graduate students (graduateds in a military academy) and other authors.
4. Placement in manuscripts of materials of advertizing character without coordination with edition isn't allowed.Rules for submitting manuscripts
1. For publication in the "Law and Power" magazine (further – the Magazine) the scientific articles and reviews answering to subject of the magazine are accepted.
2. Manuscripts of publications and the materials attached to them are presented in the Edition by authors by e-mail to the address
3. The manuscript is submitted in Russian in one of the following formats rtf, doc, docx. Registration parameters: the sheet A4 size, all fields on 20 mm, orientation of the page – book, a font – Times New Roman; a font size – 14 pt; a line spacing – one-and-a-half; arrangement of transfers – automatic; alignment of the text – on width; a space of the first line of the paragraph – 1,25 cm.
It isn't recommended to use the kerning (rarefied or the condensed font), interlinear and nadstrochny symbols shouldn't be applied out of formulas.
Surnames (except the first letter and initials of authors) are carried out by capital letters, settle down on the right and from above from the name of work and are aligned to the right. Academic statuses and academic degrees of authors are carried out by capital letters and settle down in the line below.
According to requirements of VAK of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation it is necessary to specify a position and a place of work, and also the e-mail address or other type of communication with the author which will be published on the website. If at article it is some authors, the listed data are specified for each of them.
The name of article (except the first letter) are carried out by capital letters.
The data specified in item 3 are carried out in the Russian and English languages.
Bibliographies of article are translated also translated into English.
It isn't recommended to apply difficult registration of tables: various frame, association and splitting cells, etc.
In case of need their uses are recommended to be made out the table in the form of drawing.
Signatures of illustrations, headings of tables, formulas, footnotes, links to literature are made out in text form according to state standard specification.
4. Article has to terminate in a bibliography (the list of the used sources) in which only bibliographic links which occur in the manuscript are specified. The list is made out according to "GOST P 7.0.5-2008. National standard of the Russian Federation. System of standards according to information, library and to publishing. Bibliographic link. General requirements and rules of drawing up". [«ГОСТ Р 7.0.5-2008. Национальный стандарт Российской Федерации. Система стандартов по информации, библиотечному и издательскому делу. Библиографическая ссылка. Общие требования и правила составления».]
5. As a rule, the volume of article has to be not less than 0,3 items of l. (12 - 14 thousand signs) and no more than 1,0 items of l. (40 thousand signs).
6. The manuscripts sent to edition have to pass updates, editing, and also obligatory internal and external reviewing.
7. Edition of the Edition leaves for itself the right to refuse consideration of the manuscript which isn't meeting the above requirements, thus it doesn't return the manuscript, but notifies the author on causes of failure (orally or by e-mail).
Manuscript review procedure
1. The Editorial Board reviews all materials submitted to the Editorial board for the purpose of their expert evaluation. All reviewers are recognized experts on the subject of peer-reviewed materials and have published on the subject of the reviewed article for the last 3 years. Reviews are kept in the editorial office of the journal for 5 years.
2. The author of the article submits an extract from the decision of the department (scientific division) where the work was performed, containing the recommendation of the article for publication in the journal. The extract is signed by the head of the department (head of the scientific division) or his deputy, the signature is certified by the relevant personnel structure.
3. The author of the article submits a written and certified review by a specialist of the Doctor of Sciences, containing a recommendation of the article for publication in the journal.
4. The article submitted by the author is reviewed by an expert of the editorial Board of the journal (doctor, Candidate of Sciences) in the form of an expert questionnaire approved by the editorial board. The expert examination is closed in nature, the review in the form of an expert questionnaire is provided to the author of the article upon his written request, as well as upon a corresponding request to the Higher Attestation Commission and the Ministry of Education and Science, without a signature or indication of the reviewer's last name, position, or place of work.
5. The final decision to accept the author's article and place it in one of the issues of the journal is made at the meeting of the editorial board of the journal, which is recorded in the minutes.
6. The Editorial Board informs the author of the decision made upon his request. The editorial board sends a reasoned refusal to the author of an article that has not been accepted for publication.
Publishing ethics
ORDER of articles review received by the Editor of "Law and Power" magazine
1. Editorial council carries out reviewing of all materials coming to edition, for the purpose of their expert assessment. All reviewers are recognized specialists in subject of the reviewed materials and have within the last 3 years of the publication on subject of the reviewed article. Reviews are stored in editorial office of the magazine within 5 years.
2. Author of article to provide the excerpt from the department of science (where study was done) which includes recommendation of article to publish in a magazine. Excerpt to be signed by the head of the department (head of research unit), or his deputy, the signature to be certified by the appropriate staffing structure.
3. Author of article to provide the properly filled and certified review of Dr., recommending an article for publication in a magazine.
4. Submitted article to be reviewed by an expert of editorial board (Dr., Ph.D.) in the form of questionnaire form approved by the editorial board. The examination is confidential, the review in the form of questionnaire form of expert users available to the author at his written request, as well as a corresponding request in the WAC, without a signature and the name, position, place of work of reviewer.
5. The final decision on acceptance of an article author and placing it in one of the magazine editions taken at the meeting of the Editorial Board, which is recorded in minutes.
6. Editorial Board to informed of the decision of the author on his request. Author of article not accepted by the Editorial Board will be provided with a reasoned refusal on his request.
Editorial responsibility
The Activity of the magazine is based on ethical norms and recommendations, published on the website (Committee on Publishing Ethics), according to which:
- on the basis of a common approach to examinations the Editorial Board is solely responsible for the content and quality of published material;
- decision on acceptance of articles for publication is based on objective arguments: the original of the text, the scientific relevance, the novelty of the material, the reliability of the statistical data and the results of the research, on the relevant articles according to the profile of the magazine; taking into consideration objective reasons.
- Editorial staff is solely responsible and has the authorities to reject or to accept an article for publication and should not have a conflict of interests with the materials that are rejected or accepted for publication;
- Editorial staff must be convinced that all published materials in the journal or all research papers correspond to internationally accepted ethical standards;
- Editorial staff continuously monitors the maintenance of ethic rules and the selection of articles by magazine employees and reviewers; it ensures the confidentiality of materials submitted to the editor till the moment of their publication;
- Editorial staff is constantly working to improve the operation of the journal;
- Editorial staff strives for perfection and tries to satisfy the needs of readers and authors, defend freedom of expression and promptly respond to the complaints;
- Editorial staff encourages discussions on different actual topics in science among the authors;
- Editorial staff is ready to publish corrections of texts and notes to them, as well as a retraction and apology, if necessary;
- Editorial staff ensures the anonymity of reviewers and independence of quality of the publication from commercial interests; is strives for nothing like adverts or other commercial interests influence editorial decisions;
- Editorial staff cooperates with other publishers and other industry associations on various problems, including ethical issues, bug tracking and publishing of refutation;
- Editorial staff has constantly updated instructions for authors on various problems related to the terms and conditions of publications and the results of their research in the journal.
Responsibility Reviewers:
- Take part in the formation of editorial policy;
- Follow the editorial policy providing the maximum transparency and full accountability to the author;
- Make fair and impartial decisions that are independent of commercial interests, and to organize the process of objective review; keep to the terms of reviewing articles and privacy assessments; protect the confidentiality of reviews on articles;
- Reviewers are responsible for everything that is published in the journal;
- Reviewers formulate an objective and impartial review and if it is necessary, they confirm their opinion, citing a source;
- In the case if the reviewer finds incorrect, erroneous statements or corrupted data he informs the author for eliminating of the violations and for reporting about it to the editors in the prescribed manner;
- Reviewers defend the rights of third parties from unauthorized use of the materials;
- Reviewers protect the integrity of publications, making corrections if necessary, and give out well-founded refusal for those whose manuscripts do not correspond to the research or publishing ethics;
- Reviewers editorial regulate conflicts of interest, monitor and stop a situation of conflict of interest;
- Reviewers authors provide awareness of the requirements of the research submitted for publication;
- Reviewers monitor and suppress the possibility of conflicts of interest;
- Reviewers are in constant contact with the authors on the relevance of published materials, accuracy and originality of the data reported;
- Reviewers should allocate appropriate published provisions that have not yet cited.
Responsibility of the authors:
- The authors should submit to the editor the original works, avoiding unfair citation, false data and parallel publications in other publications;
- To stick to the generally accepted standards of scientific reports;
- To provide the access to the data they received and confirm the sources of their data;
- The authors can use the financial support for the publication of their research
- A statement that all of the data in the article are real and authentic;
- The authors must keep the general requirements, presented by the editorial staff for the registration of publications to their relevance of international publishing standards;
- In the case of incorrect, erroneous statements or falsified data in publications, the author should quickly resolve these infringements and notify the Editor in the prescribed manner;
- The authors have the right to appeal against the decision of the editorial staff in the case of refusal to publish the presented material.
Rusains LLC 14 Kedrova
str., bldg. 2, Moscow, 117218