Magazine «Law and Power»
Magazine «Law and Power»

Magazine «Law and Power»

The magazine is published since 2016.

The editorial board and the editorial board consist of leading scientists in the field of law, members of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, honored scientists of Russia.

The journal publishes the results of scientific research on the most topical issues of legal doctrine and practice, law enforcement practice, changes in the legislation of Russia and other CIS countries, as well as significant results and achievements of fundamental and applied theory in the field of jurisprudence. Editorial policy is based on the fact that the journal should cover the research not only of major scientists, but also graduate students, applicants for academic degrees. A special place is occupied by the publication of the results of doctoral dissertations. The magazine is intended for a wide range of readers: scientific and practical workers in the field of law, students and post-graduate students.

The magazine is registered by the Federal Service for Supervision of Compliance with Legislation in the Sphere of Mass Communications and Protection of Cultural Heritage. 

Certificate of registration of PI No. FS77-67801 dated 11/28/2016.

Rospechat Subscription Index: 65005

ISSN 2587-831X

The magazine is published 12 times a year.

The journal is included in the List of the Higher Attestation Commission of Russia of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications in which the main scientific results of a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Science and Candidate of Science must be published

by branches of science 5.1 "Law"


5.1.2. Public and legal (state and legal) sciences (legal sciences),

5.1.3. Private and legal (civilistic) sciences (legal sciences),

5.1.4. Criminal and legal sciences (legal sciences),

5.1.5. International legal sciences (legal sciences)

by branches of science 5.5 "Political Science"


5.5.2. Political institutions, processes, technologies (political sciences),

5.5.4. International relations (political sciences)

Current issue  -  №2 2025 Закон и Власть



Law and Power. More than 3 thousand applications were received for the All-Russian competition of research papers of students and postgraduates

Свыше 3 тыс. заявок подано на IX Всероссийский конкурс научно-исследовательских работ. Авторские проекты представили студенты и аспиранты из более чем 450 вузов и научных организаций. Среди них – иностранные обучающиеся из 18 государств.


Law and Power. The Central Bank will limit leverage for novice investors from April 2025

Банк России с 1 апреля 2025 года введет новую категорию инвесторов — с начальным уровнем риска. К ней относятся начинающие инвесторы, у которых нет опыта торговли ценными бумагами и производными финансовыми инструментами